The Cruel King
Most of us probably wonder how anyone could be cold-hearted enough to order the deaths of children. Israel saw children — especially firstborn boys — as their future. This devotion looks at how Herod ordered the massacre of all the baby boys in Bethlehem.
When Should We Meditate?
Meditation helps us grow. This devotion looks why God wants us to meditate on Him — when we experience trials and at other times.
What Do We Need to Fight Spiritual Warfare?
Why does it feel like we in the middle of a war? We are – a spiritual war. This devotion discusses what we need to be successful in the war against Satan.
When Does God Hold Back His Mercies?
We see God as a loving, faithful God. He is. However, we are told that He will also withhold His tender mercies. This devotion looks at Psalm 40: 11 as it connects a song of thanksgiving with a prayer of rescue from a trial.
Where Is God When We Fall?
When trials come, it is easy to question where God is. Psalm 46 is a comforting psalm. This devotion looks at God as our fortress and joy. He is all-powerful.
How Can We Worship Him When We Need Deliverance?
When we feel surrounded, it is usually the time we call out to God. He wants to be, however, the Lord of the small things in our lives as well as the big things. This devotion looks at David’s psalm tying His deliverance with worship.
God's Light Shines Out Through Our Brokenness
In to gain salvation, we need to believe and repent. Can repentance come before our belief? This is the second devotion in the Believe and Repent series that looks at where repentance falls in gaining salvation.
Waiting Patiently
We all get bogged down in trials. Waiting patiently for God to rescue us is difficult at best. This devotion looks at how God keeps His promises and rescues us from the trials, allowing us to praise Him through the trials.
Are Trials Always Punishment?
A lot of times we think that, if we are forced to go through a trial, it is God punishing us. The degree of the trial determines the degree of our screw-up. This devotion discusses whether all trials are punishment.
We Have to Choose God
When trials come, it is easy for us to focus on the negative. We forget God has declared us perfect. We forget He is in control. This devotion reminds us that we are and He is.
The Power of the Resurrection
Many of us cannot comprehend the power that was needed to raise a dead Man to life. Raise Jesus it did to complete the plan of salvation. This devotion looks at what Scriptures tell us about Jesus’ resurrection and how that same power is available to us during our trials.
Can Satan Ask God to Give Us to Him?
We tend to think trials come as punishment for something we have done. Sometimes, though, what is happening is pruning. This devotion looks at how Satan’s request for Peter could have been to prepare and grow him for his future work in God’s kingdom.
Praise Him Through the Trials????
When we are experiencing trials, we can become really inward focused. It does us good to see how others handle their trials. This devotion looks at Psalm 34, which gives one such example of how to handle the trials we face.
Hear My Cry
At times, it feels like, when we are overwhelmed, we feel the furthest from God. We really aren’t just talking to the ceiling. God hears our prayers. This devotion is a prayer to God during those times.
We're Going to Have Trials
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Praying the "Where Are You" Prayer
Trials can be difficult for us to go through. Our attitude as we are going through them is important. This devotion looks at the attitude God wants us to have when we go through trials.