How Does Matthew 2 and Luke 2 Fit Together?
We know Jesus was from Nazareth, but what do we know about Nazareth? How do Bethlehem and Jerusalem figure into the story? This devotion looks at how Matthew 2 and Luke 2 mesh.
Why is the Feast of Tabernacles Important to Us?
There were several festivals mentioned in the Bible. Are they all past history? This devotion looks at the Feast of Tabernacles and why it is important.
Is Jesus the Basic Elements We Need?
God’s 411 had a meme on how Jesus represents the four basic elements needed to survive. The four elements are water, air, food, and light. This devotion looks at Bible verses that say Jesus is living water, the breath of life, the bread of life, and the light of the world.
What Was the Tabernacle?
We know God gave specific instructions on how He wanted the tabernacle built. But what did it look like? This devotion looks at the tabernacle described in Exodus 26.
What Is Parents' Best Advice
Parents want to give their children good advice that they can be successful. However, God’s definition of success is vastly different from the world’s definition of success. This devotion looks David giving Solomon godly advice.
How Does Wisdom Lead to Praise?
Paul had just told the Ephesians not to be foolish. Instead, he wanted them to be wise and worshipful. This devotion looks at this wisdom facilitating our being filled with the Holy Spirit, leading to praise and thankfulness.
How Are We Sealed?
We may have a little harder time than Paul’s readers did in understanding what it means to be sealed. In this devotion, we discuss how Paul’s metaphor is applied to our faith as disciples and how that can give us assurance.
How Do We Grieve the Spirit?
A part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is our advocate and guides and teaches us. However, we can grieve the Holy Spirit. This devotion explores what that means, how we can do it, and what do we do about it when it happens.
What Does Regeneration Mean?
We are made new creatures through regeneration. God is the only one who can make this change. This devotion looks at how regeneration is both instantaneous and an ongoing process.
What Does Atonement Mean?
Atonement can be a churchy word that we don’t understand. While we know it is a repayment for a wrong, we don’t know how it applies to Jesus. This devotion looks at how Jesus is the atonement or our sins.
Did Christ Give or Receive Gifts?
In Ephesians 4: 7-10, Paul addressed how grace is divided among believers. It also discusses where Christ went while His body was in the tomb. This devotion tries to make sense out of the verses.
What Are the Faces of Jesus?
The phrase “face of Jesus” makes for an interesting study. This devotion explores how the different uses of the phrase supplies us with different aspects of Jesus’ character.
Should We Rewrite History?
God doesn’t want His plan to be a mystery to those who believe in Him. He wants to make it known to man and to the angels. This devotion discusses why the plan of salvation was developed as it was and how we should not rewrite our history to diminish that.
What Does Sanctification Mean?
Sanctification is the final word in the Churchy Word series. This devotion looks at that word and determines how it tries to several words we have been discussion lately.
What Does Propitiation Mean?
Propitiation is another churchy word that is difficult to understand. Usually, we just don’t understand what it means. This devotion, the second in the series, looks at the meaning of propitiation and how it fits into the plan of salvation.
What Does Justification Mean?
Sometimes, there can be some churchy words that either we don’t understand, or we don’t understand how they are applied. Justification is one of those words. This devotion, the first in the Churchy Words series, looks at what justified means and how God accomplishes it.
What is the Spirit of Wisdom?
Paul wrote to the Ephesians that disciples in Christ should receive a Spirit of wisdom. God doesn’t want to not be knowledgeable. He wants to be our Teacher. This devotion looks at what the Spirit of wisdom is.
What Are Our Rewards for Delighting in the Law?
This is the second and last devotion in the Delight in the Law of the Lord series. In the previous devotion, we discussed that we are called to delight in law of the Lord. In this devotion, we will explore the benefits we receive for doing that.
What Did Jesus' Baptism Mean?
Jesus had kind of an unusual baptism. Through it, though, we can learn much about why we should follow Jesus’ example and be baptized. This devotion looks at Jesus’ motivations to be baptized and heaven’s response.
How Can We Gain Wisdom?
Many of us don’t want to appear that we are lacking in wisdom. We want, instead, to gain wisdom. This devotion looks at where wisdom comes from and how we can gain it.