Walking is the term used to describe how we live our lives.

  • When we walk in the Spirit, we follow God instead of human nature (What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?).
  • The person doing the walking will be a disciple. We are spiritually alive where, if we are not a disciple, we would be spiritually dead. Can’t walk. No need – or desire – to walk if we are dead (What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?).
  • But it is more than just not walking in the flesh anymore. It is not walking under the law, also. The first-century Jews were all about following God’s laws. Paul was trying to get them to realize Jesus was more about relationship than religion (What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?).
  • We actively walk in the Spirit by working on the relationship. It is personal (Characteristics of Disciples’ Lives).
  • Paul said that our walk was important. We need to be sober. Sober is having the character traits of self-control and moral judgment (When Is It Time for Salvation after Conversion?).
  • When we think about our walk (or life), that spiritual nature has to be evident. We can’t confess God as Sovereign Lord and then not follow His commandments (What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?).
  • We do have to build our characters in the ways God wants. That is a decision we need to make at conversion and grow into along the walk (Characteristics of Disciples’ Lives).
  • It is a walk – a step-by-step process of figuring everything out (What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?).
  • Paul told us that the outcome of our walks should be producing fruit. This fruit is leading people to God so that they can ABCD, supporting other believers, and growing the church, both inwardly and outwardly (How Does Perseverance Help Consistency?).
  • God calls us and puts us on our walk. He grows us by taking us through the trials. That is how we transform our character to be more like Him (How Does Longsuffering Help Consistency?).
  • To me, walking worthily and longsuffering go hand in hand. Our walk isn’t usually going to be a short sprint. It is going to be a long trek. If we don’t simmer down and focus on the long haul, we won’t get to the finish line. Our walk is not going to be a stroll in the meadow. It is going to have a lot of hills and valleys with some major drop offs along the way (How Does Longsuffering Help Consistency?).
  • It is only when we stop and take a good look at things, make all the connections, and evaluate our actions and opinions against what God says in His Word do we get an accurate picture of where we are in our spiritual walk (How Does Circumspection Help Consistency?).
  • We should evaluate ourselves based on God’s standards. The results of circumspection should be our living more in line with how God calls us to live. It should be a more consistent walk with Him (How Does Circumspection Help Consistency?).
  • that the fear of the Lord means reverence and love, not terror. Walking in the Spirit should promote the fear of the Lord (Are Disciples to be Docile?).
  • We discipline ourselves when we walk in the Spirit (What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?).
  • Prayer helps us gain stability in our walk (Watching while Praying).
  • Thanksgiving should be an integral part of our walk as a disciple (Thankfulness in Prayer).
  • How do we know we are walking in the Spirit? It all boils down to if we are trying to imitate God (Eph. 5: 2). If we are trying to change our character to His character, we are walking in the Spirit (Characteristics of Disciples’ Lives).
  • We can’t walk in the Spirit if we are not open to His guidance. If we won’t submit to His guidance – close our hearts – God and His Spirit cannot work in our lives (Characteristics of Disciples’ Lives).