Trust is assurance that the promises of God are true. It is that bone-deep knowledge that God is going to do what He says.

  • Trusting in God brings stability, security, and protection – which leads to peace (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • Trust in God brings security because it brings God’s promises with it (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • If we put our trust in the feelings, we won’t have stability, security, and protection when the trial winds start blowing (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • Security is conditional. We have to have the trust in order to have the security.

  • Trust in God brings security because it brings God’s promises with it. One of those promises is God doesn’t abandon us (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • God encircles us with protection. But He also disciplines us when we need it (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • What Psalms 125: 2 is talking about is security. Disciples of Christ will encounter spiritual warfare, but we are secure when we are secure in our trust of God (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • But can we have peace if we don’t have stability, security, and protection? Well, yes, we can. We don’t have those because we put our trust in feelings. We have them because we put our trust in God (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • If we put our trust in the feelings, we won’t have stability, security, and protection when the trial winds start blowing. We will be concentrating too much on the howling winds. Instead, we need to be concentrating on the Lord. We have to make sure our hearts are upright (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • We want the peace that only God gives to those who trust Him (Trust as the Foundation for Peace).

  • Trust is believing God will do what He says He will do (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • We can trust Him even when we are afraid because of His unfailing love (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • We can trust God because He is Sovereign God — our God (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • God doesn’t abandon us because of His unfailing love (Ps. 13: 5; Ps. 143: 8). Putting our trust in this love is better than putting our trust in material things (Ps. 20: 7). We can trust Him even when we are afraid (Ps. 56: 3) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • We can trust God because He is Sovereign God — our God (Ps. 31: 14). We can lean on Him (Prov. 3: 5-6) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • God never abandons those who seek Him and put their trust in Him (Ps. 9: 10) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • Those seeking God and putting their trust in Him will be blessed (Prov. 16: 20) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • We should seek God rather than putting our trust in mankind (Ps. 143: 3 ESV) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • God rewards those who trust Him (Ps. 37: 4-6). Because we trust Him, God will bless us (Ps. 84: 12; Jer. 17: 7-8 NIV). We thrive when we put our trust in Him (Prov. 11: 28) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • God gives His peace to those that trust Him (Isa. 26: 3; Rom. 15: 13 NIV) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • God keeps us safe when we trust in Him (Prov. 28: 26; Dan. 6: 23) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • When we trust in the Lord, we will wait for Him (Isa. 40: 31) (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • Part of me sees faith and trust as interchangeable. They both are contingent on belief. Can you have one without the other? Is this another chicken and the egg instance? Part of me sees them as being different. I see faith as a noun and trust as a verb. Faith is underlying foundation. Trust is how we get it and exhibit it (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).

  • We can’t exhibit trust until you have belief. We have to have the belief before we can latch on to it. The belief is the faith (How Is Trust Different Than Faith?).


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