The Benefits and Consequences of Godliness

God calls disciples to be godly people. This daily devotional reviews how we benefit from being godly and the consequences of not being so.

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God gives us free will as to whether or not we are going to pursue godliness. Free will is the ability within us to make decisions, which determine actions that produce character.

To help convince us to choose to follow Him, God shows us the benefits of ABCDing. He also shows us the consequences of not doing to.

Benefits of Godliness

  • Godliness breeds contentment because our relationships with God is where they should be. It fosters contentment because we become like God (Starting Anew: Redo for Godliness; Godliness: The Parent of Contentment).
  • Joy from above only comes when we are seeking God as joy and pleasure are only found in the presence of God. If we aren’t in God’s presence — communicating with Him — we don’t have it (How Do We Set Our Love, Desire, Hope, and Joy Above?; More Benefits of Setting Our Affections on Things Above).
  • Faith promotes the circumstances that create joy, making joy is a product of our faith. Faith = Joy. No Faith = No Joy (How Do We Set Our Love, Desire, Hope, and Joy Above?).
  • It is through the two-way communication that we learn Who God really is. He reveals more of Himself to us than is in the Scriptures (Renewing Our Inner Person from Anxiety).
  • We are to pray to God about everything. That means we shouldn’t keep a portion of our lives back from His control (Renewing Our Inner Person from Anxiety).
  • We have to realize we have to evaluate the good and the bad. We can’t just work on the good and ignore the bad. We will always have issues that might become big issues one day (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • When we see peace as an absence of conflict, we take our eyes off God. God wants us to see and know His peace within the conflict (Improving Silence in Our Minds).
  • Being right with God brings us joy. We see the perfection. We feel the trustworthiness. We see that His commands are predicated on His Love for us. It makes us love and revere God more (Attributes of God: Righteousness).

Results of Ungodliness

  • If we are not changed, we cannot live with God for eternity. The disciples who have navigated the Sanctification Road and had their character changed to that of God’s will be rewarded for their obedience to God. Only those who have changed to perfection will be admitted to Heaven (What Affections Are We Talking About?; Influencing the Soul).
  • If we don’t ask, then it means we are not submitted to God. We may feel we are entitled to what God wants to give us. Asking makes the receiving of the mercies sweeter (Renewing Our Inner Person from Anxiety).
  • A disciple weak in faith is separated from Jesus (The Law of Unity).
  • When we stop listening to God, we start being irreverent and insincere when — if — we worship Him. God doesn’t want us to make promises to Him that we aren’t going to keep (Why Should We Listen When Worshiping?).
  • We can’t think that God’s love is going to win out over His intolerance of sin (Attributes of God: Purity).

Making the Connections

  • The listening makes us docile — teachable. That is what God wants (Mastering Silence of the Tongue).
  • Our being in the temple has no bearing with God being in the temple. We could be indifferent, neglectful, or downright rebellious toward God. He will still be God in His temple (The Silence of Cheerfulness and Rejoicing).
  • God renews our self-esteem when our baggage-wagons get too full (Renewing the Inward Person).
  • It is all about redemption. God’s #1 priority is the condition of our soul. Is it spiritually dead or spiritually alive? (More Benefits of Setting Our Affections on Things Above).
  • The condition of our soul is much more important than what is happening in this life. Should we be surprised that God is placing the emphasis on how we are progressing from the milk baby to steak adult? No. His concern is always our spiritual condition. Our comfort in this life is secondary to that (Renewing Our Inner Person from Anxiety; How Do We Go from Milk Baby to Steak Adult?).
  • We have to realize that this is all about God and Jesus. It is all about God because He didn’t turn His back on us when we disobeyed Him. It is all about Jesus because He died for us. It isn’t about what we want or need out of this life. It isn’t about what we can or should do. It is about what God has already done for us (Prioritizing Things Above).
  • One thing we have to keep in mind is that we need God — God doesn’t need us. God would still be God even if He had never created mankind (Attributes of God: Eternal and Infinite).
  • Silence of our soul starts out with being in the Presence of God. It is a fancy way of saying focus on God (Promoting Silence in Our Soul).
  • God’s work is the actions He takes through us to accomplish His plans, which are accomplished perfectly (Attributes of God: Perfect).

How Do We Apply This?

  • God’s love for us will never change. Yes, God is going to love us regardless of our actions. But we can’t use that as an excuse not to change (What Affections Are We Talking About?).
  • We are to consistently read God’s Word so that the connection formed with Him will help us corral our thoughts. We need to prayerfully read the Scriptures, asking God to increase our knowledge and submissiveness. We can’t read a couple of verses and think God is pleased with our devotional efforts. We can’t think we are going to learn all about God and Jesus with a five-minute read. We have to consistently study God’s Word and meditate on what we have read (How Else Do We Set Our Thoughts Above?).
  • There are a lot of things about God that we don’t understand. He has revealed only some to us in His Word (Renewing Our Inner Person by Being Sober).
  • Our relationships with God happen in our minds and in our hearts. That means the relationships are greatly impacted by our thoughts. We have to structure our thoughts so they grow our relationships with God, not hinder them. He wants us to be thoughtful about what pleases Him. We have to put the focus on Him (How Else Do We Set Our Thoughts Above?; Renewing Our Inner Person by Being Sober).
  • It may be called renewing your mind, but it is the renewing of the spirit of the mind. God is working on our hearts (Growing Our Souls; How Do We Go from Milk Baby to Steak Adult?).
  • Yes, we can question God. We cannot doubt Him. We have to always give Him the glory and honor He is due (How Else Do We Set Our Thoughts Above?).
  • God renews us daily, so we can’t quit trying. If we give up, Satan has won this battle. We know he won’t win the war against God. We can’t let him capture our baggage-wagons, so that we take our eyes off God (Renewing the Inward Person).
  • Because we are His, we will have to be ready to fight whatever Satan throws our way (Renewing Our Inner Person by Being Sober).
  • We keep our focus on God by remaining in communication with Him. How are we supposed to combat our anxiety? By prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving. We can’t do it by ourselves. We can’t do it with worldly methods. We can’t depend on a significant other or family member. We need to go to the Source (Renewing Our Inner Person from Anxiety).
  • We do have to ask in His Will. Our petitions have to be genuine. They have to recognize God as our Creator and Ruler (Renewing Our Inner Person from Anxiety).
  • Instead of being fearful, we should be thankful. Even when our anxiety is at its peak, we should be thankful (Renewing Our Inner Person from Anxiety).
  • We have to seek God because He is Sovereign God and loves us. We are to seek God’s righteousness because then we are truly seeking God. We have to seek God completely. It should be our strongest desire to be more like Him. We should seek what God values. He values our salvation and obedience. When we seek God, we will find Him (How Do We Set Our Affections Above?).
  • We are to put nothing before God. God has to rank first above “… father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters — yes, and even his own life …” (Lk. 14: 26 CSB) (Prioritizing Things Above).
  • It isn’t that we just do things that Jesus calls us to do. We have to also lessen the pull this world has on us (Prioritizing Things Above).
  • True disciples produce evidence of their conversion (John the Baptist’s Tough Message).
  • When we know Jesus and consider what He has done for us, we value what He has done (Prioritizing Things Above).
  • We are to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Are we acknowledging that He is the Savior, the only way we could gain salvation? We are to examine our hearts and lives. Are we navigating the Sanctification Road as we should? Have we gotten our redo for godliness to the heart level? (How Else Do We Set Our Thoughts Above?).
  • We are to come acknowledging our need for Him rather than kicking ourselves that we don’t meet the standard (How Else Do We Set Our Thoughts Above?).
  • Because grace and faith are gifts from God, we should be humble. It is all about coming humbly and reverently. It is about setting our thoughts on Him and acknowledging we would be nothing without Him (Transformed to Humility through Grace; How Else Do We Set Our Thoughts Above?).
  • Our motives must be based on serving Christ until we are called home (How Do We Set Our Love, Desire, Hope, and Joy Above?).
  • When we do choose to be a living sacrifice, it has to be a daily submission (Transformed to Perfection).
  • We have to control our thoughts and allow God’s call to come through (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • Part of the think sensibly is the ability for us to evaluate ourselves and our relationship with God (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • We have to particularly watch when we evaluate ourselves by comparing ourselves to others. We can also make up, magnify, and misrepresent their qualities (Transformed to Humility through Grace).

Father God. We want to have Your character. We want this not just to reap the benefits of doing so and miss the consequences of not doing so. We want Your character because of the attributes that You possess: loving, merciful, faithful, caring, forgiving, gracious, compassionate, and good. Amen.

The ABCDs of Salvation

If you have not become a believer in Christ, please read through the
Plan of Salvation and prayerfully consider what God is asking you to do.

A – admit our sins
B – believe His Son Jesus is our Redeemer
C – confess God as Sovereign Lord

D – demonstrate that commitment by making any changes needed in our lives to
live the way in which God has called us

The Disciple’s Job Description

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