Sober is a character trait distinguished by self-control, genuineness, and sound moral judgment.

  • Our disposition is given to us by God Himself. We each have an individual character by which we can be known (How Do Mature Disciples Control Our Dispositions?).
  • God expects us to maintain a sober disposition — not one extreme or the other — so that we showcase what He does for us (How Do Mature Disciples Control Our Dispositions?).
  • One of the aspects of sober is self-control. Self-control is the ability to withstand temptations by managing ourselves — our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors (Being Content in Our Work).
  • No, sober doesn’t mean stick in the mud, either (Being Content with What We Have).
  • God wants us to be even-keeled. He is not looking for us to go from one extreme to another. The key word here is moderation (Being Content Because Our Hearts Are Right).
  • Be sober – be serious and have sound moral judgment (Temperance as a Virtue).
  • Sober has that element of self-control in it. Control comes into play when we have to use our free will to make the decisions to choose what children of light should do or to do as children of darkness do (How Does Sober-Mindedness Promote a Balanced Life?).
  • No, sober doesn’t mean stick in the mud, either (Being Content with What We Have).
  • Be sober — be serious and have sound moral judgment (Temperance as a Virtue).
  • Our quiet dignity is impacted by our conversation, determining our purity and holiness (The Morality of Having a Sober Character).
  • God doesn’t want us to go to extremes — either way It is extreme anger or extreme jealousy (Being Content in Our Work; How Do Mature Disciples Control Envy?).