• God wants us to remember His laws and commandments (What Is Religious Instruction?).
  • The fourth commandment starts out with the word remember (What Is the Sabbath?)
  • He wants us to look back at all the times He has helped us through situations that were impossible for us but possible for Him (Mt. 19: 26) (How Does Wisdom Lead to Praise?).
  • Paul specifically wanted his readers to remember the time before salvation to contrast “without Christ” to “in Christ.” Everybody had been in the same unredeemed boat as, in the spiritual sense, we are all uncircumcised Gentiles (What Is the Relationship Between Righteousness and Wisdom?).
  • We learn so much through experiences, but it isn’t until the reflection piece where we apply what we have experienced and learned. We make plans based on the adjustments those experiences caused (How Does Circumspection Help Consistency?).
  • Remembering helps strengthen our relationships with God. But it has to be coupled with evaluation ourselves. We need to take regular stock to make sure we are following God’s plan (The Rewards of Faithfulness).
  • The remembering is supposed to help us be faithful (The Rewards of Faithfulness).
  • We are to not forget the instructions God has given us on how we are to live our lives. He has told us the character He wants us to possess (Finding Favor by Acknowledging God).
  • He wants us to think about how good we had it — and what we’ve given up (Have We Lost Our First Love?).
  • We have to remember this reward is in heaven, not here on earth. (How Do Disciples Escape Persecution?)
  • God is also very fine with us using crutches to help us remember (Getting Obedience to the Heart Level).