Pride is an unrealistic high opinion of oneself that is based on faulty self-esteem.

  • Pride doesn’t have to be sinful. Unfortunately, too often we take our pride to the self-focused and self-elevating level. Oh, yeah. We puff ourselves up with arrogance (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • Pride is a sin because it takes our focus off God. In fact, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • The problem with pride is it lies to us (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • You would think that, after the original sin and mankind’s fall from grace, we would see ourselves as we are. We not only don’t see the need for humility, but we also go the other way and bump up the pride (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • We not only are faulty in how we see ourselves, but we also do not see the standard of character correctly (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • If we look at pride the way Taylor did, we consider pride as the end result. This end result is dangerous to us and to others (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts)
  • Worldview standards feed the chaos of the world because they are divisive. It is real easy to become arrogant and prideful when we buy into the worldview (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • Pride means that the picture that we have of ourselves is faulty. It also usually means that the picture we have of others is also faulty. This stops us from fulfilling the second greatest commandment: love others (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • It does seem somewhat amazing that we do, in some instances, tie our pride to our comparison with others (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • Taylor gave a list of what pride can foster when it focuses on wealth. It can lead to cheating, corruption, violence, and extortion. It can also lead to envy (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • The bottom line is humility helps keep prideful thoughts at bay (Guarding Our Hearts from Prideful Thoughts).
  • God tells us several times in His Word to evaluate ourselves based on His standards (Evaluating Our Evil Thoughts).
  • Instead of it coming out as satisfaction and tranquility, it comes out as pride (Buckling Down Our Hearts and Lips).
  • God doesn’t want us lying to ourselves or to anyone else. He wants us to make a fair and true assessment of ourselves. If we don’t, we may not get all of the sin cut out of our lives (Buckling Down Our Hearts and Lips).
  • What is bad is when our own pride affects how we view others (Buckling Down Our Hearts and Lips).
  • If we are following the worldview, we are proud. God doesn’t want us following the worldview (When God Doesn’t Give Us the Answer We’re Expecting).
  • Pride is on the checklist we looked at in Living in Faith and Love to determine what is evil.
  • Another reason the pursuit for wisdom and knowledge has fallen apart is because of the vanity associated with it. This evaluation process butt heads with our pride (What’s the Use?).
  • Jesus told us that there were three things to avoid in this world. They were lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and pride of life (The Law of Belonging).
  • God’s grace helps us transform from pride to humility (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • Pride comes when we forget God and worship ourselves instead (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • There are many things that can elevate our pride. But really, we can do nothing except that God has given us the knowledge and skills (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • But Paul is admonishing every one of his readers — including us — “… I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he should think …” (Rom. 12: 3 CSB). Pride is an extreme on one side of the continuum. God calls us to be sober and even keeled – the other end of the continuum (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • But pride isn’t the only extreme to which we go. Prideful people would probably be dissatisfied with the work God calls them to do because they feel it is beneath them. Those with low self-esteem would be terrified with the work because they feel they are inadequate (Transformed to Humility through Grace).
  • There can be diligence for worldly pursuits. It could come from pride, ambition, and selfishness (Transformed by Persistence).
  • Having pride isn’t the way to go. God calls us to be humble. My Ladies and I talked today about pride wanting us to understand everything so that we can say we don’t need God since we have figured it out. That isn’t what God wants. God wants us to be humble and submissive to Him. The submissive part means that we don’t sin and give Him the glory He deserves. One thing Paul is saying here is we can’t think more highly of ourselves than we are. We have to acknowledge that, without a relationship with God, we are nothing (Transformed to Harmony).
  • This high opinion of ourselves presents itself in our opinions, judgment, and plans (Transformed to Harmony).
  • One way we submit to the worldview is when we try to keep up with our neighbors. They get a new car – we get a new car. They remodel their house — we remodel our house. It feeds our pride (Submitting to Love).
  • We shouldn’t love ourselves more than we love God. Oh, we can have some self-love. The self-love should not escalate into pride. That is another name for self-flattery. The self-love can be so strong within us that we start boasting about all of our good points. Then we start boasting of our possessions. But this self-love and self-flattery turns into self-interest. We forget about God and come to depend on ourselves. The self-interest can turn into covetousness (The Difficult Last Days).
  • Disciples backslide because of intellectual pride (Are Disciples to Ignore Sin because of Love?).
  • I think our not understanding the Scriptures boils down to the fact that, though we are made in God’s image, we have too much of Adam’s image in us. The root is sin that manifests itself in many different ways — pride and prejudice being just two (When the Unexpected Happens).
  • The root of the unwillingness to seek God is pride (Why Do We Suffer Consequences When Setting Our Affections Below?).
  • If the disciples — who interacted with Jesus every day for three years – had trouble understanding who he was, how can we by reading a book? (Why Do We Suffer Consequences When Setting Our Affections Below?).
  • God wants us to master our pride and focus on Him (Setting Our Affections on Things of Earth).
  • Pride is the exact opposite of what God wants. We think we don’t need God when God wants us to depend on Him. God doesn’t want us to be self-sufficient. He wants us to put our trust in Him that He will provide our needs (Setting Our Affections on Things of Earth).
  • Pride, self-righteousness, assumed morality, ostentation, carnal wisdom, and deep-rooted prejudice are obstacles to a genuine confession. We can be proud of our worldly wisdom, which at times, makes us show off. It can also make us think we are better than others, causing us to judge them (Why Salvation Came to a Man in a Tree).
  • We think we understand things, increasing our pride. This causes us to deny God’s power and His control over us. The effect comes into play when our pride increases. We may not see that as what we would normally term evil, but it definitely is sin (What Are the Causes and Effects of Evil? (Part 1)).
  • We can’t let the evaluation process lead to pride or conceit. Instead, the process needs to humble us (Growing in Godliness).