“and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, Will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4: 7 NKJV).

  • That peace will be proportional to the application of that wisdom in implementing God’s laws and commandments in our lives (God’s Law Creates Peace).
  • God is the God of Peace. “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4: 7 ESV). Jesus is the Prince of Peace. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9: 6 ESV). This peace is offered to us (Comprehending the Effects of Salvation).
  • When we keep our thoughts focused on God, He provides us peace. When we are meditating on God’s Will and praying and worshiping Him, that beings us peace. And not just any peace — perfect peace (Using Worship to Educate Our Thoughts).
  • Peace has to be an inward tranquility. Yes, it can be lack of outward chaos, but the inward has to be filled with something (Using Worship to Educate Our Thoughts).
  • We have the assurance that we know how things are going to end. We have been promised that God defeats Satan — it gives us peace knowing that (Using Worship to Educate Our Thoughts).
  • Our joy is not dependent on circumstances. Sometimes, that is hard to understand and even harder on which to follow through. Once I chose to focus on the One Who was in control of everything (Phil. 4: 6-7), had a plan for my life (Jer. 29: 11), and knew how the story will end (see Revelations), I didn’t have to struggle as much. The peace and contentment started to flow (Our Joy Is not Dependent on Circumstances).
  • Satan wants you to focus on the negative. He wants you to keep saying your life, your happiness, your joy, your peace. It is his hope that, because you don’t see happiness, joy, and peace, you will blame God. Your happiness, joy, and peace increases when you focus on God (Our Joy Is not Dependent on Circumstances).
  • We need to look to Him to tap into that joy. To do that, we will need to do two things. It will have to be a conscious decision. It will have to be a continuous decision. It is a conscious decision because it is us giving God control of our lives. We are making the choice to not focus on us and our circumstances. We are choosing to follow His Will for our lives (Our Joy Is not Dependent on Circumstances).
  • We need to focus on the blessings He has given us and will give us. Focusing on the negative destroys our contentment in life. Putting on focus on the good — even with the bad around — comforts us and encourages us (Our Joy Is not Dependent on Circumstances).
  • It is a continuous decision because it will have to be made daily — almost hourly. It isn’t a one, and done, decision (Our Joy Is not Dependent on Circumstances).
  • God is bigger than anything we are experiencing. When we thank Him for our blessings, we focus on the good rather than the bad. We have to continuously make the conscious decision to focus on God. Focusing on God will keep us out of the pit of despair and instill in us joy, no matter the circumstances (Our Joy Is not Dependent on Circumstances).