• We cleanse our hands by confessing our sins and allowing the blood of Christ cleanse us (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • We have to make the decision to submit to God. Then He cleanses us from sin. (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • God doesn’t want us to confess Him as Sovereign God and not gain His character. That isn’t submitting (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • If we don’t put into practice God’s laws and commandments, we are going to show that we don’t think they are important enough to follow. We don’t think we have to submit to God and do them (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • God doesn’t sorta forgive us of our sins. It isn’t just a surface forgive. God does a deep cleanse. It isn’t just part of them — it is all of them. It is such a deep cleanse that it gets down to the sparkly clean of righteousness. That means it is true repentance (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • We not only ask forgiveness for our sins, but we also turn away from them. We give them up because we know they are breaking God’s laws and commandments. So, we submit to God’s laws and commandments (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • We need to purify our hearts because that is where our character comes from. Our heart is very important in our faith (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • We can’t just make it a surface religion. Our faith has to lead to a relationship with God. A relationship with God has to lead to a change in our character (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • We are not submitting to God when we focus on the joy of this world (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • True repentance means we are broken because we have sinned against God (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • Our ability to submit hinges on our ability to humble ourselves. You don’t start with submission and become humble. You start with the humble, that facilitates the submission (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • God doesn’t ask us to be humble to cut us down. He is asking us to put the correct emphasis on our worship to Him (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • The humble shall be rewarded because they are submitting to God. Those that are prideful won’t be rewarded. Salvation is given to those who are truly repentant and will submit to God. There may be some who have made a profession of faith but haven’t submitted. They will not enter Heaven. We cleanse and purify when we choose to submit. Submitting gets us to the purity, but choosing gets us to the submitting (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • Keep making the decisions to live for God (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).
  • But are we really submitting to God’s Will if it isn’t challenging us with something that isn’t our will? (How Are We to Submit to God?).
  • One way Satan gets us to not submit to God is to make us content with sin (How Are We to Submit to God?).
  • Bottom line is we can’t be passive in our salvation. We have to fight to stay in God’s Will (How Are We to Submit to God?).
  • It is our choice to submit to God or not resist the devil (How Are We to Submit to God?).
  • Jeremiah 2: 25 doesn’t say that once saved, we’re done. It says that there are expectations once we submit to God (Are We Responsible for not Submitting to God?).
  • Submitting is a choice (How Do We Cleanse and Purify to Submit to God?).

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