• We know Peter the best. Sometimes, we relate to him the best (Who Were the Disciples/Apostles?).

  • Peter’s faith was so strong that Jesus called him a rock (Mt. 16:18) (Why Did Peter Want Jesus to Wash More Than Just His Feet?).

  • He was the only disciple brave enough to jump out of the boat in Matthew 14: 28-31. No, that didn’t end well, but he at least was willing to get his feet wet (Why Did Peter Want Jesus to Wash More Than Just His Feet?).

  • Peter was sincere (Why Did Peter Want Jesus to Wash More Than Just His Feet?).

  • He asked Jesus a lot of questions we would have asked (Who Were the Disciples/Apostles?).

  • He was impulsive, narrow minded, and loyal (Who Were the Disciples/Apostles?).

  • He was inconsistent and thoughtless, just as we can be. But he always stayed true to Jesus, just like we hope to be (Who Were the Disciples/Apostles?).

  • Peter was the friend you would call a wild card. He was impulsive, so you never knew what was coming out of his mouth (Why Did Peter Want Jesus to Wash More Than Just His Feet?).

  • You wondered if he had really thought through everything that comes out of his mouth, like at the Transfiguration (Mk. 9: 1-12) (Why Did Peter Want Jesus to Wash More Than Just His Feet?).

  • We read where Peter denied Christ three times, then wept bitterly (Mt. 26: 69- 75; Mk. 14: 66-72; Lk. 22: 54-62; Jn. 18: 15-18, 25-27). The next time we read of him is when he is running to the tomb (Jn. 20: 3-10) (How Did Jesus Restore Peter?).