Outward v. Inward Religion

  • In the Day of the Lord, the net will sweep up everyone — believer and non-believers and everyone in between.
  • The goats are those who are cursed.
  • The determination of believers and non-believers will not happen until the Day of the Lord.
  • Both builders in the parable knew the building should be built but went about it in different ways.
  • Following God and not believing in Him won’t cut it.
  • Believing in God and not following Him won’t cut it.
  • Believing in God and following Him is what we are commanded to do.
  • We are called to give our best to God and shouldn’t be surprised that our prayer life suffers when we don’t.
  • Our prayers must be humble and contrite, offered in the way found acceptable by God, not as sacrifices.
  • We must conduct our prayer lives not as the Israelites performed their sacrifices but through inward devotion.
  • We are called to give our best to God and shouldn’t be surprised that our prayer life suffers when we don’t.
  • Our prayers must be humble and contrite, offered in the way found acceptable by God, not as sacrifices.
  • We must conduct our prayer lives not as the Israelites performed their sacrifices but through inward devotion.
  • While godliness isn’t a feeling, contentment is.
  • Only those who believe in Jesus have joy.
  • A lukewarm believer is not following Jesus as He requires.
  • Indifference comes from our love of God failing.
  • To spend eternity with God, we have to be blameless.
  • Goats appreciate the actions, not the commandment to love God above everything else.

Getting Religion

  • We get out of religion what we put into it.
  • Our convictions can’t be at the surface level but must rather be at the heart level.
  • Inward religion comes from a deep conviction of God’s saving power.
  • Getting a new heart is a requirement for all disciples.
  • We take detours on the Sanctification Road when we allow the stone in our hearts to freeze out God.
  • Our business is to walk with God.
  • Walking with God by following His laws and commandments after accepting His grace brings us inward religion.
  • Our walk with God must be genuine.
  • We shouldn’t fear God but love Him because of a strong relationship.
  • When we love God and live as He calls us to, we have the hope of reward.