Meekness is a personality trait exhibiting a mild or moderate disposition that places dependence on God.

Humility is a character trait that diminishes pride and places dependence on God while holding a modest view of our importance with respect to others.

Gentle is having a mild or moderate disposition.

  • Most of the newer versions translate the word humble. The older versions translate it as meek (How Are Disciples Humble?).

  • Gentleness is used to define meekness, and humility is used to define meekness. So, the foundation is dependence on God (How Are Disciples Humble?).

  • Why are disciples called to be humble and meek? This is how we submit to God (How Are Disciples Humble?).

  • Spiritually meek disciples are to imitate God. If God blesses us, we are to thank him. If God tests us, we are to thank Him and pass His test (How Are Disciples Humble?).

  • The definition of meekness talks of controlled power. Can we say self-discipline? (How Are Disciples Humble?).

  • Bottom line is the humility of a disciple is because we know we have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Rom. 3: 23). We need to submit to His Will (How Are Disciples Humble?).

  • Sometimes, patience can be misinterpreted as meekness. Meekness is an element of patience, but not the whole pie. However, meekness is sometimes not seen by the world as controlled power but as a weakness. Perseverance and meekness have to have an element of tenacity mixed in there. You know – that latch-on-and-dig-in mentality (Patience as a Virtue).

  • We should complete the duties to which God calls us — including trials — with patience, meekness, endurance, humility, faith, holiness, and love (Completion from the Cross).