• Paul, in part, gave his standard salutation, but in part, didn’t.
  • Paul remembers to pray for the church, bringing him joy.
  • We can be joyful regardless of circumstances.
  • Paul was confident of the Philippians’ spiritual condition, which gave him joy.
  • The work God starts in us is salvation.
  • Sanctification won’t be complete until we get to Heaven.
  • God wants us to have loving relationships with other disciples.
  • We are to celebrate the growth of others in their relationships with God.
  • We are to use our experiences to witness to and encourage others.
  • We are all ministers for Christ.
  • We are to accept other ministers if they are preaching about the true gospel, regardless of the difference they have to us.
  • Paul was confident in the gospel that lives would be saved, his own included.
  • The Holy Spirit is instrumental in our salvation.
  • Paul had expectations that he wanted fulfilled.
  • Regardless of the circumstances, Paul was devoted to the Christ of the gospel which he preached.
  • Paul struggled with wanting to end this life and start eternal life.
  • Paul assured the Philippians that they shouldn’t worry about the outcome of his imprisonment.
  • If we have encouragement, love, fellowship, affection, and mercy, then we will have love, unity, and purpose.
  • Paul identified part of the cause of disunity as selfish ambition and conceit.
  • A way to remedy selfish ambition and conceit is to put the needs of others first.
  • Disciples are to imitate Jesus in being humble and disinterested.
  • Jesus gave up a lot to be our Savior.
  • God will reward Jesus for His total obedience.
  • Salvation brings responsibilities with it that will take work to carry out.
  • Even though we are required to work at sanctification, we do not do it alone.
  • Our inner sanctification manifests itself in our actions.
  • Knowing Jesus as our Savior and Lord means we can put our trust in Him.
  • Living for Jesus through faith brings righteousness.
  • Paul found joy in the fact that suffering in this life was rewarded when we are resurrected into the next life for those who know Jesus.
  • We can be certain that we all will be resurrected — where we will spend eternity depends on whether we have ABCDed or not.
  • Paul may not have been perfect, but he was working toward it.
  • We should only go forward on the Sanctification Road.
  • Paul wanted us to get one thing if nothing else — we have to pursue God even after conversion.
  • All believers are to possess God’s way of thinking.
  • Those who do not possess God’s way of thinking — even believers — face destruction.
  • Those who do possess God’s way of thinking are citizens of Heaven.