What I Believe
I am a born-again Christian believer. I believe that God created all there is. After Adam and Eve sinned, God sent His Son to restore our relationships with Him. As Sovereign God, while He does not need us, He wants to have a relationship with us as our Father. He wants us to worship and praise Him.
Jesus lived, died, and was resurrected to accomplish God’s Plan of Salvation. He was tempted and tried just as we are. No, He did not have the internet to tempt Him, but He was still tempted to do what was wrong, put others before God, willfully disobey God, and turn His back on God’s plan for His life. Even though He was tempted, He did not sin.
The Holy Spirit was given to help guide us to live holy lives. God does not force us to live for Him. While He already knows what our choices will be, He allows us free will. We fail, but God is quick to forgive us when we truly repent. As we grow closer to Him, we want to serve Him and tell others about Him.
God does want us to be obedient to Him. However, He knows that we will never do all the do’s and not do all the don’ts. As long as we believe that He is the one true Sovereign God and we ask His forgiveness when we do wrong, He will forgive us. If we think doing all the do’s and not doing the don’ts is enough, we are relying on our works, and Jesus would not have had to give His life for our salvation.
God will use us to serve Him. Many areas of service can be found in churches of like believers. God can also use us to serve Him where we are in our daily lives. Personally, this means seeking His guidance in my life and living following Jesus’ example so that others may see Jesus in me.