The fruits of righteousness means the rewards for doing God’s will and growing closer to Him. The rewards are eternal life, peace, access to Him, and hope.

  • We receive the reward of eternal life when we admit our sins, believe on Jesus as Redeemer, and confess God as Sovereign Lord (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?). 
  • God rewards those who do His Will. Romans 2: 6 says, “He will judge everyone according to what they have done” (NLT). Hebrews 11: 6 says, “… that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (NIV) (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • When the Bible talks about the tree of life, it is talking about eternal life. We receive that reward when we admit our sins, believe on Jesus as Redeemer, and confess God as Sovereign Lord (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Eternal life is the reward of the righteous lives we live now (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Those who overcome will be rewarded. We can’t just give lip service (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • God is looking for sacrifice. No, He isn’t looking for animal kills anymore. He is looking for us to be living sacrifices (Rom. 12: 1) (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Being a living sacrifice is living a righteous life (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Peace implies cooperation, humility, integrity, communication, and cohesiveness. All of that promotes peace (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Peace comes from God. He gives us peace down deep in our soul. It is the product of living for Him (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • When we cannot grow it is because, when things start getting difficult for us, we generally lose our peace. It is only when we concentrate on God in those trials that we find peace (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • If we are not living as we should, we don’t have peace. This is because the disobedience brings punishment (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Peace increases when our spiritual nature is strengthened. This decreases our physical nature (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • When we are living to imitate God, we have peace through Jesus (Rom. 5: 1). He justifies us upon conversion, giving us peace. Being made right with God brings up peace. It is the first gift after conversion (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • God’s love for us promotes that peaceful feeling within us. We know we can come to Him anytime — for forgiveness, for protection, for assurance (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • We gain access to Sovereign God by the reconciliation He devised (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).

  • Before conversion, we didn’t have access to God. Being spiritually dead, we were no longer in a relationship with Him (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • We gain access to Sovereign God by the reconciliation He devised. We access the peace provided by our Lord and Savior through following the promptings of the Holy Spirit (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • We have access to God by His Word. We approach Him through prayer and worship (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • This is 24/7/365. God never takes a holiday. He doesn’t keep banker’s hours (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Joy comes because the peace we find in God gives us hope. God also gives us strength to overcome the trials we face (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Regardless of our circumstances, God gives us peace and joy (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Most of all, we have joy because we have salvation (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
    • We get the rewards through a righteous life. That is based on fulfilling the covenant and building relationships with God and others (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).
  • Getting the rewards is based on doing the relationship with God right. That means searching for and seeking God (What Are the Fruits of Righteousness?).

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