• All disciples of the Most High God are called to be a community (How Does God Build a Community?)
  • Paul has just taken the last eight verses saying they were one with Christ. He told them there should not be divisions; there should be unity. He told them there shouldn’t be strife; there should be peace (How Does God Build a Community?)
  • We are to fellowship together. “Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some but encouraging one another, an all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Heb. 10: 25 ESV) (How Does God Build a Community?)
  • We are to pray for each other. Galatians 6: 2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (ESV) (How Does God Build a Community?)
  • We are to correct each other. Wait! Where does it say that? The pray for one another was right after “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgressions, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted” (Gal. 6: 1 ESV) (How Does God Build a Community?)
  • Jesus’ followers were a cohesive group. We can see the love they felt for each other. We can see them stepping in to help when needed and creating their version of the Three Musketeers slogan: one for all and all for one (Why Should We Pray for Other Believers?).
  • God wants us to be a community. He knows we are stronger together (Rebuilding under Difficult Circumstances)