Why Mary?
Have you ever really looked at Gabriel’s visit to Mary to see how it was going to impact her life? A baby was going to change everything — and maybe not for the good. This devotion looks at why Mary was chosen and her response to the announcement.
Don't Steal the Pen
When our circumstances change, two of our first reactions may be fear and the thought that God has left us. That isn’t the case. This devotion looks at how God uses change to comfort us.
How Can God's Power Change Us?
Second Peter 1: 3 is a rich verse that provides us much encouragement. It did this by encapsulating the everything we need to know about God in one verse. This devotion explores God’s power changed Peter – and how it can change us.
The Gospel Does Not Change
The world would like God to change to reflect their desires and allow them to continue to sin. That is not going to happen. This devotion looks at how the gospel does not change.
How Can God's Power Change Us?
Second Peter 1: 3 is a rich verse that provides us much encouragement. It did this by encapsulating the everything we need to know about God in one verse. This devotion explores God’s power changed Peter – and how it can change us.
Called to Change and Worship
There are times that we want things to change, but only in the way in which we want. When God answers our prayers, we don’t always like the rules that come with the rescue. This devotion looks at how we are called to worship God.
When Our Loved Ones Die
We don’t like change — especially if that change means loosing someone we love. Jesus knew His leaving would be rough on the disciples, but He also knew it would be for their best. This devotion explores why giving someone up can be beneficial to us.
I've Been Caught!
Did you grow up singing the song about Zaccheaus? Have you at least heard the story? This devotion looks at the story of Zaccheaus from his perspective.
But I Want Her to Be Like Me
There are times that we want other people to change. They are doing something we don’t like, and we wish they would stop! Sometimes, though, it is us who needs to change. This devotion looks at two sisters — Mary and Martha — and which sister had her priorities straight.
When Plans Change
Sometimes, it feels like God doesn’t want us to plan. I mean, He can change our plans in a blink of an eye. What happens when He does change our plans? This devotion will look at following God’s will even through vast changes.