Apostasy means not believing in the state religion or not being a Christian.

  • Long, long ago, it was a crime to not believe the way the state did. This meant that, if you were an atheist, you were a criminal. It also meant that, if you were not a Christian, you were a criminal. It is called apostasy (Are We Responsible for Not Submitting to God?).
  • Unfortunately, there can be times we have a touch piety along with a touch apostasy (Who Was Balaam?).
  • We have to be careful – even as disciples that we fully believe in God’s sovereignty. We can’t be lured into apostasy by the worldview (Sometimes, War Is Judgment).
  • The consequences are fearful. Those who practice apostasy will suffer “… a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire …” (Heb. 10: 27 CSB) (Will There Be a Judgment Day?).