Christ Will not Lose What Is Given to Him

  • God reveals the sin in our lives by revealing our doubts.
  • God reveals the sin in our lives by convicting us, causing us misery.
  • We don’t have the experience or can understand, so have no reason but to be humble.
  • We have little faith, so have no reason but to be humble.
  • We only find rest in Jesus, so have no reason but to be humble.
  • We are Christ’s because God has given us grace.
  • Our doubts center around the turmoil of suspicion, discord, and dissatisfaction.
  • God doesn’t tempt us to lose our salvation.
  • We are convinced that God sent His Son Jesus to be our Savior.
  • We are convinced that Jesus is the only way to salvation.
  • We are convinced that Jesus loved us so much, He willingly died for us.

How Christ Doesn’t Lose Us

  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because He advocates for us when we sin.
  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because we have been cleansed from sin.
  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because of our self-righteousness but because of His righteousness.
  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because we have been reconciled with God.

  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because we have been reconciled by God through Jesus.

  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because we have gained spiritual graces.

  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because we have been eternally saved.

  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because He saves us to the uttermost when we draw near to Him.

  • Christ will save all who come to Him, asking Him to do so, so we can be restored to fellowship with God.

  • Jesus doesn’t lose us because He is willing to shield us.

Christ’s Care Over His People Reaches the Day of Their Resurrection

  • We can be assured that Judgement Day will occur.
  • We can be assured that all will be judged.
  • If we do not have God’s salvation, we are condemned for eternity.

  • If we are condemned and do not have God’s salvation, we will be punished for eternity.

  • Disciples will have freedom from evil that affects the quality of our lives.
  • We can’t imagine the splendor and reality of Heaven.

Using Our Habits to Ensure Salvation

  • God gives us the means we need to seek Christ — we just have to do them.
  • We have to hear God’s Word to provide a solid foundation for our lives.
  • We have to read God’s Word on our own so that it will guide us in making decisions for our lives.
  • We have to study God’s Word and dig deeper in order to understand what we initially do not.
  • We have to meditate on God’s Word to apply what is heard, read, and learned to our lives.
  • We must memorize God’s Word so we can truly use it as a guide in every circumstance.
  • We must pray to God before and after we have heard, read, studied, meditated, and memorized God’s Word so we can submit our lives to Him.
  • We need to submit to God by trusting Him to know what is best for us.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we genuinely ABCD.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we strengthen our faith in Him.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we accept His grace.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we truly ask for forgiveness of our sins.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we change to become as He is.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we arrive in Heaven.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we submit our lives to God by denying ourselves.
  • The best act of faith we can give God is denying ourselves.
    Even after we ask God to be our Lord and Jesus our Redeemer, we will still struggle with urges and cravings that do not reflect the way God wants us to live our lives.
  • Denying ourselves does not play a role in salvation.
    When we don’t deny ourselves, we are actually deluding ourselves.
  • We get surety in our salvation when cheerfully accept the trials God uses to sanctify us.
  • We get surety in our salvation when cheerfully follow Jesus.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we follow what God has specifically told us is good.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we are just as God is.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we exhibit loving kindness as God does.
  • We get surety in our salvation when we remain in sync walking with God.
  • We can’t forget the deadly place from which we came.
  • Paul wanted his reader to focus on what they have gained in their but now state.
  • As new creations, we imitate Jesus.
  • Regeneration occurs instantaneously at conversion.
  • Constant rejoicing in all circumstances is essential for ensuring our salvation.
  • Constant communication with God through prayer is essential for ensuring our salvation.
  • Constant thanksgiving in all circumstances is essential for ensuring our salvation.