• Satan wanted Job to sin by serving God for self-interest.
  • Satan set the stage — what he hoped — for Job to sin.
  • Job did the exact opposite of what Satan wanted him to do.
  • In the whole scheme of things, this life is short.
  • This life does have its purpose — to bring us back to God.
  • While mankind cannot change his/her spiritual condition, God can.
  • After death, our souls will continue to live.
  • Scriptures really don’t tell us what happens between death and resurrection.
  • We are going to live for eternity.
  • There are times when we need to get to total despair so that God can step in and save us.
  • Job made a bold statement that he knew who his Redeemer was.
  • We must believe in God’s root to escape judgment and sword.
  • To be a disciple we must look for wisdom.
  • Wisdom can only be obtained through knowing God.
  • God is all-knowing; therefore, we should reverence Him.
  • When God points out our sin, we need to immediately repent.
  • God didn’t take silence for an answer.
  • We aren’t like God, but God wants us to become like Him.