Moon on water with title Sin

Getting on God's Last Nerve

What do you think would happen if we succeeded in getting God really, really mad? The Wilderness Wanderers did that when they got to the Promised Land but wouldn’t enter. This devotion looks at God’s and Moses’ responses.

When We Give Up on God

DescriptHas there ever been a time when you stopped believing in God? Or did you make a profession of faith but not seek to grow in knowledge of Him? This devotion, the first in the series, looks at God’s expectation that we are to grow enough in our faith to be able to teach others.ion

How Does Light Expose Sin?

Paul had been advising the Ephesians what they should and shouldn’t be doing to follow God. He challenges them to help expose sin. This devotion looks at bringing the lost into the light through our witness.

What Sins Are We Supposed to Avoid?

Paul did not shy away from discussing difficult topics with his readers. If he would have, they – and we – would not have known how God expects us to live. This devotion looks at his continuing advice to the Ephesians on several sins to avoid.

How Do We Grieve the Spirit?

A part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is our advocate and guides and teaches us. However, we can grieve the Holy Spirit. This devotion explores what that means, how we can do it, and what do we do about it when it happens.

Does Jesus Condone Sin If Disciples Sin?

It is easy to think that Jesus was not successful because He did not stamp out sin when He died on the cross. Disciples still sin, even though they have given their lives to Him as their Savior. This devotion explores whether Jesus is a minister of sin, condoning sin because it is still prevalent in the world today.

Does God Ignore Sins?

Non-believers accuse God of being silent on addressing the brokenness in the world today. While this brokenness is caused by sin, they feel that God’s silence is, in fact, ignoring sinful behavior. This devotion looks at how that is the furthest from the truth.

How Are Grace, Redemption, and Forgiveness Connected?

We’ve been talking about redemption and forgiveness. Grace is the third component in Ephesians 1: 7. This devotion looks at how grace is needed for redemption and forgiveness.

What Does Forgiveness of Our Sins Mean?

Redemption and forgiveness of sin are both mentioned in Ephesians 1: 7. This devotion looks at forgiveness of our sins. It also considers how both concepts are related.

Who Blinds Us from Believing in God?

Satan is the ruler of this world, even though many people do not believe he exists. He has blinded people so that they do not seek God. This devotion looks at who Satan is and some of his attempts to dethrone God.

From What Are We Saved?

With Christ’s death, He broke the power that sin had over His believers. He lives to never die again. He lives, instead, to glorify God. This devotion looks at a limited list of from what His death and triumph over sin has saved us.

What Would It Be Like If Adam and Eve Hadn't Sinned?

One of the easiest ways for Satan to wreck our relationship with God and our witness for Him is to get us to think that God does not forget our sins. Even after we have confessed them, sometimes it is hard for us to forgive ourselves, so we think God won’t. This devotion looks at what the Bible tells us about God forgiving and forgetting our sins.

Does God Remember Our Sins?

One of the easiest ways for Satan to wreck our relationship with God and our witness for Him is to get us to think that God does not forget our sins. Even after we have confessed them, sometimes it is hard for us to forgive ourselves, so we think God won’t. This devotion looks at what the Bible tells us about God forgiving and forgetting our sins.

How Can I Corral My Thoughts?

Why do believers keep on sinning? Wouldn’t it be easier if, after we become believers, we couldn’t sin anymore? But we do, and it seems like we are many times led astray by our thoughts. This devotion discusses the ability to keep sinning and how we can corral our thoughts.

Do We Get to Judge If It Is a Sin or Not?

All through the Bible, God has shown us how He would like us to live by giving us guidelines. In His Word, we can find the answer to any question we have. This devotion discusses how we sometimes struggle if we find conflicting verses.

What Is Evil Anyway?

We think of evil as something being morally bad or wrong. Believers equate evil with sin. While all sins are not necessarily evil, all evil can generally be categorized as sin. This devotion looks at how we can “… wash evil from our hearts and be saved…” (Jer. 4: 14 NIV).

Does God See Everything We Do?

Sometimes we get crazy ideas about God and sins. We think we can hide our sins from God. “The Lord can’t see what we’re doing because it’s dark and no one is around.” Or “God isn’t going to worry about so small a sin.” This devotion looks at whether God sees everything we do.

Are There Good and Bad Sins?

Many people ask the question, Are there good sins and bad sins? We like to think there are degrees of sin. This devotion looks at if that is the case.

Why Do Christians Sin?

It is hard for those who have not accepted Christ as their Savior to understand how those who have keep sinning after they have given their lives to God. It really isn’t hard to understand, though. This devotion will look at the question, why do Christians sin?

Can God Really Forgive Me for This Sin?

We have some funny notions sometimes about God forgiving our sins. Sometimes, we think we have sinned too much. Others, we feel the sin is just too large to forgive. Many times, it is because we feel we should know better. But God is ready to forgive any sin that we confess to Him. This devotion looks at, if as Peter says, we should be forewarned about sins, how can God forgive us of those sins?