Baptism is the symbol of our conversion experience, providing the physical evidence that we have died and been buried to sin and have risen in a new spiritual life with Jesus.


  • Baptism is symbolic of our bodies being washed with clean water. It is a way people can show by their actions that they have accepted Jesus’ message and repented of their sins. It also shows their entrance into the fellowship (How Should We Give Thanks to God?).
  • Where circumcision was the seal of the old covenant, baptism is the seal of the new covenant (Is Repentance Necessary?).

Jesus’ Baptism

  • Jesus’ baptism was a testimony of His obedience to God. God not only acknowledged that with His words, But He also sent the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove (How Are We Sealed?).
  • Jesus honored John the Baptist and his ministry by coming to him for baptism (What Did Jesus’ Baptism Mean?).
  • The 100% God part of Him did not need baptism; the 100% man part of Him did because, as a human, His relationship with God was broken (What Did Jesus’ Baptism Mean?).
  • Baptism prepared Jesus as our high priest for His ministry to begin (What Did Jesus’ Baptism Mean?).

Our Baptism

  • Religion and its rituals are not what God wants. God didn’t want the circumcision without the holiness. He doesn’t want baptism without the holiness (The Nominal Disciple).
  • While baptism isn’t a part of salvation, it is a part of the confessing. It is obedience (How Do We Get Assurance?).
  • If the body is the church, baptism changed them – and us – all into one body (The Power of One).
  • That baptism into one body by the Spirit brings us unity through one Lord (The Power of One).